Grow your startup in college.

Manifestt is your holistic business building guide.

If you are a student entrepreneur who is dedicated to taking your business to the next level, the Manifestt Startup Accelerator was created for you.

  • Collaborate with experts.

    You work directly with our team of experts on live workshops to tackle all of your business management needs. We deeply understand your situation and build you tailored solutions.

  • Understand next steps.

    We help you develop clear strategies that can be followed like a recipe. From acquiring new customers to scaling your team, Manifestt is your all encompassing business building guide.

  • Build a thriving business.

    Our end goal is to help you generate more profits, expand your business, and succeed as an entrepreneur. Our work isn’t complete until we have helped you manifest your vision.

 Over $2 million in revenue generated by eight Manifestt founders and counting…

  • "10x more helpful than any resource offered at my university."

    Jason S.
    Co-founder, Soshi

  • "No one has ever understood my business like Manifestt – they learn with you."

    Michael C.
    Founder, MC Delivers

  • "We literally work on everything together. Whatever challenge I face, Manifestt works through it with me."

    Zaire W.
    Founder, XCLSV Media

  • "I feel organized and clear-headed after every single workshop."

    Ahman W.
    Founder, Truly Clean

Take the next step to Manifestt your vision.

Learn more about what a Manifestt collaboration can do for your startup.